
Archive for the ‘My Cooking’ Category

It was a cold rainy day in January. I had a soup recipe in my mind to make, but the store I went didn’t have ground chicken. After thinking a while, I bought ground turkey instead. Usually, if I change ingredients, it tends to fail. This time wasn’t the case, and I was happy!

I made soft chicken meat ball soup using turkey. The original recipe with chicken is here.

I thought I put too much veggies, but it was good.

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In my last cooking, I made Takenoko Go-han. I still had a half of bamboo shoot left, so I was looking for a recipe that I can make easily. (That’s important!)

I found a recipe from the Cookpad site. The recipe requires only a quarter of bamboo shoot, but I used entire half, as I didn’t want to cook something else with the other quarter.

Fried Bamboo Shoot with Miso Mayo Sauce

This would probably be a great snack for beer! 🙂 I actually ate almost all (half bamboo shoot) with rice in one day.

Cpicon 焼き筍の味噌マヨがけ☆ by 綾波綾 (Japanese)

[Ingredients (for 2 serves)]

– Bamboo shoot boiled in water 1/4
# Miso 1 teaspoon
# Mayo 1 tablespoon
# Milk 1 teaspoon
# Sugar a pinch
– Sesame if you have


  1. Slice bamboo shoot into 3-5 mm thin.
  2. Mix all of # marked ingredients in a cup.
  3. Heat a frying pan and add salad oil or sesame oil. Fry bamboo shoot in the frying pan until brown on both side.
  4. Serve in a plate and pour the mixed seasonings. Garnish sesame if you have. Shichimi Togarashi is also recommended if you have.

The recipe provider says “Not to burn bamboo shoot too much is a key. Seasoning can be done at the step 3.”

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At the same time as my last two cooking, I also made some Takikomi Go-han. There are many various kind of Takikomi Go-han. I made Takenoko Go-han, which you use bamboo shoot.

To make it cook easier, I used bamboo shoot packed in water that you could buy at Asian store. I initially bought it to make another dish for New Year’s Day, but I didn’t feel like cooking those, so I decided to make Takenoko Go-han.

The recipe is from the one of my cooking school textbooks that I got long time ago.

[Ingredients] (serve for 4)
*You need a rice cooker for this recipe.

– Japanese or California Short Rice (raw) 2 cup
– Bamboo shoot boiled in water 120g (You can find one packed with water.)
Deep fried bean curd 2/3 sheet (I used 2 small ones.)
Konbu Dashi 2 and 1/3 cups

Usukuchi soy sauce 2 tablespoons
– Salt 1/3 teaspoon
– Japanese Sake 2 teaspoons
Mirin 2 teaspoons


  1. Rinse rice and drain 30 min prior to cooking.
  2. Cut bamboo shoot into thin 3cm long, and cut deep fried bean curd into 5mm width.
  3. Put the rinsed rice, bamboo shoot, deep fried bean curd in a rice cooker in order, pour Konbu Dashi into it, add seasonings  and cook.
  4. Once it’s cooked, wait for 10-15 min before open the lid to let it steam.
  5. After steaming, fluff the rice from bottom to top, and serve in a bowl.

I don’t have Usukuchi (thin) soy sauce, so I use regular soy sauce. You might want to use less, but it depends on how you like the taste.

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